‘Poetry to The People’


Poem ‘Mother’s Secrets’ (Monika Ribeiro)

Illustration (Adam Podlecki)

'Mother's Secrets' by Adam Podlecki

Many times, mama must say ‘no’ to her child

Although “yes” is pressing to escape her mind

Yet, at times mama must say ‘yes’ even though

She would feel less pain if she could say ‘no’…


Yes, at times, mama must reveal her anger

For true peace to begin and for chaos to cease

Yet, most times, mama needs to remain silent,

So she can be heard and so she can hear…


Many times, mama has to wait for her child,

Even though that child is already late… Then,

Sometimes mama needs to push rather hard,

So late consequences don’t have final say…


There are times mama needs to die for her child,

So the fruit of her love can survive and thrive. Yet,

Sometimes mama needs to first save her own life,

So she’s there, full of strength to keep baby alive…



Being a mother seems more difficult than…

It seems sometimes…


A true mother must be brave and selfless

Must be assertive, yet kind at the same time

She must be strong, beautiful, loving…

Responsible, present and caring…, but I…


Sometimes, I was selfish and not very sane –

None of which is surely a good mother’s way…

Sometimes, it seems  like I don’t have what it takes

Which I don’t anyway – surely not in myself


But then, He comes with His Motherliness…

Surrounding me, overwhelming with help

And I keep pressing on, and again, I excel…

Although yet again, sometimes seem to fail


Truly, a mother cannot be a good mother,

Without much of Him within much of her


I… don’t qualify for your idol, baby…

Yet…, allow me…

I’ll show you where your faith should rest


I do not want you to be my clone, little girl

In Him…, In Him… you must be yourself…

In Him, in His time, In His way, little boy

 Walking better, and further I could ever walk.


Unless stated otherwise, all material on this page, and other pages affiliated with it, are the intellectual property of Monika Ribeiro a.k.a. Monika Beata Francisco-Ribeiro © 2015

9 thoughts on “‘Poetry to The People’

  1. very elaborative and sincere message to mama of de world… All mothers needs to be appreciated… We thank them for their relentless effort to make us somebody… Am grateful to mama’s

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Moniczko jesteśmy inne jako mamusie. Ty jesteś mama zrównoważona ale to się może zmienić wraz z wiekiem dzieci i ich narastającymi problemami… Jestem lwicą waleczną, kochającą i nie poprawną matką. Widzę zalety i wady swoich dzieci i wszelkie niepoprawne zachowania ale to nie jest w stanie umniejszyć mojej miłości do dzieci i zniechęcić do niesienia im pomocy. Moje serce by mi pękło gdybym wiedziała, że moim dzieciom jest źle, są głodne albo cierpiące a ja nie mogę im pomóc. Moje oczy nie widzą że może sami są tego winni, moje uszy nie słyszą niepochlebnych opinii.Nie jestem sędzią, nie oceniam ani nie karzę. Wtedy moja dusza i ciało składają się tylko z serca które cierpi i musi zrobić wszystko by pomóc…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pani Halinko,

      Dziękuję za komentarz. Ja bywałam mamą bardzo niezrównoważoną… Dla mnie bycie matką to przede wszystkim poleganie na Bogu – sama w sobie jestem beznadziejną rodzicielką choć wiem mniej więcej jaka powinna być ta dobra… O tym między innymi jest wiersz…

      Zgadzam się z panią jeśli chodzi o miłość do dziecka, która powinna być bezwarunkowa; jednak równie mocno wierzę w to, że czasami dziecko powinno być pozostawione konsekwencjom swoich czynów – żeby mogło wyciągnąć wnioski oraz stać się lepszym człowiekiem…

      Pozdrawiam serdecznie,

      Monika :)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your poetry is deep. Wow, realised poetry is a different world for me. Not sure if I get all of it. Wish I had paid more attention at school now. Someone has to teach me to understand 😀
    Is your book out yet …please let me know 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you! These words mean a lot coming from you. I wasn’t ‘a poetry person’ growing up – not at all. I think poetry should be read with the heart. My book will be available (initially e-book) next month, by Grace. In it, I try to explain some of the deeper meanings (the ones I understand :)). Thank you for the comment, and all the encouragement. 🙂


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